


/ ræŋˈɡuːn /


  1. the former official name (until 1989, but still widely used) of Yangon

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Example Sentences

But Than Dar ignored them, intent on a traditional Buddhist funeral for her husband in Rangoon.

Burma is now Myanmar, Rangoon is Yangon, Prome is Pyay and Pegu is Bago.

Obama announced the reestablishment of the U.S. AID mission in Rangoon.

Signaled its acceptance of the United Nations human-rights office in Rangoon.

Then she flew to Rangoon to cover the release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from 15 years of house arrest.

The English army had left Rangoon, and were advancing towards Prome, when these severe measures were taken with the prisoners.

Frighten him away, he's after those chocolates wrapped in silver paper that you brought up from Rangoon.

We see columns encrusted with little bits of many-coloured looking-glass, like those we saw in Rangoon.

In Rangoon the lighter-skinned and lighter-hearted Burmese contrast rather notably with the dark and serious Hindus.

Still further north, at Rangoon, on the Irrawaddy, we find the same contrivance described by Symes in 1795.



