


[ ras-moo-suhn ]


  1. Knud Jo·han Vic·tor [knoo, th, y, oo, -, hahn, , veek, -taw, r], 1879–1933, Danish Arctic explorer.


/ ˈrasmusən /


  1. RasmussenKnud Johan Victor18791933MDanishTRAVEL AND EXPLORATION: explorerSOCIAL SCIENCE: ethnologist Knud Johan Victor (knuð joˈhan ˈviktɔr). 1879–1933, Danish arctic explorer and ethnologist. He led several expeditions through the Arctic in support of his theory that the North American Indians were originally migrants from Asia

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Example Sentences

Not anymore: A Rasmussen poll out last week now shows Pryor ahead by a whisker, and the race is now essentially a tie.

In a nice bit of symmetry, 56% of Democrats said that Bush should be impeached in July of 2007, according to a Rasmussen survey.

What Gallup and Rasmussen did was assume that minorities must be disenchanted with Obama.

Never take these people seriously again: Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Scott Rasmussen.

Um...Rasmussen's party affiliation number for electorate in October is...39.1R-33.3D.

It was scarcely credible, but it was undeniable; Madame Rasmussen herself was the authority.

Madame Rasmussen sat down to embroider some cushions to put in the window, for the chaplain could not bear the slightest draught.

He had given George Rasmussen's apparition cool, careful observation.

"Don't fall," said Rasmussen, who was still sitting there with the thermometer in his hand.

Some of the people Rasmussen saw had never even heard of white men or of any of the things the white man makes.




