


[ shif-ter ]


  1. a person or thing that shifts.
  2. Informal. shift lever.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of shifter1

First recorded in 1545–55; shift + -er 1

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Example Sentences

He says that if you had a hot rod in Detroit in 1963, you had to have a Hurst shifter or you were nowhere.

Ever the shape-shifter and opportunist, he ended his career as a high official in the very empire he had once helped defeat.

Malaria is a shape-shifter, like HIV, always reshuffling the deck to make a new pathogen.

Kenney, by contrast, was a shape-shifter who tried on different personalities and never quite found a fit.

"Correa will have to gauge his decision very carefully," says Shifter.

The effect is as unpleasant as that which is produced on the stage by the voice of a prompter or the entrance of a scene-shifter.

I must have the good-will of all, be obeyed by all, from prima donna to scene-shifter.

To stop and start, the belts are shifted from the tight to the loose pulleys by a belt-shifter, f.

There was a hitch here somewhere; the scene-shifter was hardly up to his work, so that it was rather a failure.

The note procured me an engagement as errand boy at the stage-door and later I rose to the dignity of scene-shifter.





shift bidshift for oneself