


[ split-er ]


  1. a person or thing that splits.
  2. Biology Informal. a taxonomist who believes that classifications should emphasize differences between organisms and therefore favors a multiplicity of taxa ( lumper ).

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Word History and Origins

Origin of splitter1

First recorded in 1615–25; split + -er 1

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Example Sentences

I toured again, but this time I downsized from the luxury of my tour bus to a cold damp splitter van.

The young rail-splitter had also a knack of slaughtering hogs, for which he received thirty cents a day.

Skull-Splitter, by way of diversion, plumped backward into the brook, and sat down in the cool pool up to his waist.

It seemed but half awake; and Skull-Splitter imagined that it was a trifle cross, because its mother had waked it too early.

With an angry roar she rose on her hind legs and advanced against the unhappy Skull-Splitter with two uplifted paws.

Get thee hence ere I break every bone in thy body; thou weigher of scruples, thou splitter of straws.





splittailsplit the difference