

View synonyms for termite


[ tur-mahyt ]


  1. any of numerous pale-colored, soft-bodied, chiefly tropical social insects, of the order Isoptera, that feed on wood, some being highly destructive to buildings, furniture, etc.


/ ˈtɜːmaɪt; tɜːˈmɪtɪk /


  1. any whitish ant-like social insect of the order Isoptera, of warm and tropical regions. Some species feed on wood, causing damage to furniture, buildings, trees, etc Also calledwhite ant


/ tûrmīt′ /

  1. Any of various pale-colored insects of the order Isoptera that live in large colonies and feed on wood. Termites resemble ants in their appearance, manner of living, and social organization, but are not closely related. Termites can be very destructive to wooden buildings and structures.
  2. Also called isopteran

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Derived Forms

  • termitic, adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of termite1

1775–85; taken as singular of New Latin termites, plural of termes white ant, Latin tarmes wood-eating worm

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Word History and Origins

Origin of termite1

C18: from New Latin termitēs white ants, pl of termes, from Latin: a woodworm; related to Greek tetrainein to bore through

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Example Sentences

It turns out, however, that Adamo's pieces are very closely based on real termite mounds.

What drew you to the theme and why did you choose to set Lark & Termite in the past, and not say, during the current Iraq War?

Lark & Termite (Random House) marks a critical comeback for Phillips.

Its faceted termite eyes were expressionless diamonds, but the antennae gleamed a desperate saffron.

I killed her legitimate consort and substituted my own candidate after having anointed him with the genuine termite smell.

In many of the ant and termite colonies still greater differences exist between the different sets of individuals.

White′-alloy′, a cheap alloy used to imitate silver; White′-ant, a termite.

Nasuti: that type of termite soldiers that have the head prolonged into a point.




