

View synonyms for uninteresting


/ ʌnˈɪntrɪstɪŋ; ʌnˈɪntərɪs- /


  1. not interesting; boring

    lifeless and uninteresting

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I felt so normal and uninteresting that I thought, OK, this will never happen.

“Kevin Costner can be very uninteresting,” concluded David Thomson in his New Biographical Dictionary of Film.

This despite the fact that her comments were uncontroversial, unsurprising, and largely uninteresting.

The way she presents herself, in these videos, on the red carpet or snapped by paparazzi, is painfully uninteresting.

Never in the field of human history has so much attention been focused on such an aggressively uninteresting group of people.

Phœbe Chiffinch, I am glad to add, was jilted by her uninteresting lover, who little knew what a fortune he was slighting.

The dinner was quiet and uninteresting, save for the cheerful efforts of Arobin to enliven things.

We went over a rather lonely and uninteresting road by the way of Amesbury, which is two miles from Stonehenge.

The country itself was rather flat and the villages generally uninteresting.

Yet an age in which great questions were handled by great men could not be either an unfruitful or an uninteresting one.




