

View synonyms for yours truly

yours truly

[ yoorz troo-lee, yawrz ]


  1. a conventional phrase used at the end of a letter.


  1. Informal. I; myself; me:

    I'm only in business to profit yours truly.

yours truly


  1. an informal term for I, myself , or me

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Word History and Origins

Origin of yours truly1

First recorded in 1790–1800

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Word History and Origins

Origin of yours truly1

from the conventional closing phrase used at the end of letters

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Example Sentences

This struck many observers (yours truly included) as not only absurd but repugnant.

His generosity and kindness to individuals, including yours truly, is part of the mark of the man.

NOTE—TOMASKY BLOG LAUNCHED: Please visit my new blog for even more political wisdom from yours truly.

And the only person praying harder for that than Gov. Palin will be yours truly.

He once even took to his blog to call yours truly a “bimbo” for the offense of quoting him accurately in a New York Post column.

Eliminate the disgraceful epithet from your vocabulary, sir, when you are addressing yours truly.

"Wal, yours truly was around when thet come off," replied Wilson, with an involuntary little shudder.

But as far as immediate plans are concerned, I'm afraid, my dear, you will have to put up with yours truly.

No more handouts for yours truly, no more wood-chopping, no more cow-punching.

The glamour that emanates from yours truly has enveloped him like a North River fog.




