


[ ad-uh-suhn ]


  1. Joseph, 1672–1719, English essayist and poet.
  2. Thomas, 1793–1860, English physician.
  3. a town in NE Illinois.


/ ˈædɪsən /


  1. AddisonJoseph16721719MEnglishWRITING: essayistWRITING: poet Joseph. 1672–1719, English essayist and poet who, with Richard Steele, founded The Spectator (1711–14) and contributed most of its essays, including the de Coverley Papers

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Example Sentences

Addison was allowed out of jail, finally, but her passport was held pending an investigation—even though nobody questioned her.

This will give you a taste of the frustrations Addison is facing.

“Dr. Addison has shown strength and resiliency during an extremely difficult time,” an embassy spokesperson tells me.

Addison spent four nights in jail, she told me on FaceTime during a period when she was out on her own recognizance.

But, still, week after week, Addison lived in a Dili hostel waiting for the rusty wheels of Timorese justice to set her free.

Mr. Addison, whose abilities no man can doubt, was from diffidence totally unable to speak in the house.

Whatever his own personal blunders, it was impossible for Joseph Addison to err in a point of literary judgment.

We allude to that more benevolent code of morality inaugurated by Joseph Addison.

Addison's "Cato" was to be spouted in public by the schoolchildren.

Addison we know to have been a little on the hither side of open-handedness.



