


[ an-der-suhn-vil ]


  1. a village in SW Georgia: site of a Confederate military prison.

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Just north of Andersonville, you will find Touche and Jackhammer on North Clark, which are popular with the leather crowd.

Bargain hunters will also love the Heart of Chicago Motel near the Andersonville neighborhood farther north and features free parking.

Do you enjoy the Escape from Andersonville book tour—going out and meeting your readers?

A few days thereafter about three hundred prisoners were crowded into cattle-cars bound for Andersonville.

Their destination would naturally be Andersonville; what further became of them God knows.

He was wounded and taken prisoner in the Battle of the Wilderness, carried to Andersonville, where he died.

Afterward there came news that Andersonville was his destination, together with many others made prisoners that day.

Notwithstanding the severity of their imprisonment, some of these men escaped from Andersonville, and got to me at Atlanta.





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