


[ bawl-pley-er ]


  1. a person who plays ball professionally, especially baseball.
  2. anyone who plays ball.


/ ˈbɔːlˌpleɪə /


  1. a player, esp in soccer, with outstanding ability to control the ball
  2. a baseball player, esp a professional

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ballplayer1

First recorded in 1610–20; ball 1 + player

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Example Sentences

Ruth, as he put on the poundage and the paunch, the Yankees put their ballplayers in pinstripe uniforms because it made Ruth look slimmer.

He’s willing to do all these things to step outside the box of just not being a star ballplayer.

For Berry she’s that ballplayer who will bowl over the catcher, do whatever is necessary to score.

We held this campaign together and it doesn’t make sense to put new ballplayers on the field in the ninth inning.

Prosecutors have indicated they will present the testimony of several ballplayers who they say received oxycodone from Kay, with Skaggs often acting as a middleman.

Nevertheless, Palmer is one ballplayer occasionally seen in the company of long, heavy novels.

“Well, we only have one team,” Williams, the Russian ballplayer quipped.

Japanese Ballplayer Gives Best Interview Ever Speaking perfect English is overrated.

Over a squeaking microphone someone is introducing his dear friend who is as generous as he is modest and a g-r-r-eat ballplayer.

Wilson looked more like a bouncer at a waterfront bar than a ballplayer.

Ed was, in my opinion, the greatest all-around ballplayer the country ever saw.

If a ballplayer begins to play and to count his throws, it's all up for the time being.





ball-peen hammerballpoint