


  1. The ruling family of France from the late sixteenth century until the French Revolution . The Bourbon kings were known for their stubbornness; the politician Talleyrand is supposed to have said of them, “They have learned nothing, and they have forgotten nothing.” Louis xiv and Louis xvi were Bourbon kings.

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Example Sentences

That year, among the many Double Golds promiscuously handed out to various bourbons, one went to Old Grand Dad.

The selection will make ten million Yankees fans cry in their bourbons.

Junot already held Portugal; it seemed as if it needed but a vigorous movement to oust the Bourbons from Madrid.

Siyes desired a man who would overthrow the Directory and establish a dictatorship: Barras was coquetting with the Bourbons.

With the Restoration the Marshal at once accepted the change of government and gave his adhesion to the Bourbons.

It has been said that the Duke betrayed the Bourbons and was privy to the Emperor's return, but this is a calumny.

But in May, 1819, he was recalled to France, and soon found means of ingratiating himself with the Bourbons.



