

dark slide

[ dahrk slahyd ]


, Photography.
  1. Also called draw slide. a black plastic, metal, or fabric sheet that is inserted into a film holder to protect the film from light.
  2. a lightproof holder for sheet film or a photographic plate.

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Example Sentences

Moreover, this something evidently had the power of penetrating through the walls of the dark-slide to the plate within.

It was as if for days he had been staring at a blank sheet, and now a dark slide had been suddenly taken from the magic lantern.

The best plan is to put the plate into a dark slide and draw out the shutter half-way.

In the first case the negative is placed in the dark slide of the camera, both shutters being drawn fully out.

From the satchel that I had put beneath the tripod I took out a dark slide and inserted it in the camera, drawing the shutter.



