


[ das, dahs ]


, plural das·es, das·ses.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of das1

< Afrikaans; compare Dutch, Middle Dutch das badger, cognate with German Dachs; compare Norwegian svintoks

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Example Sentences

In two days of savagery, the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich” slaughtered nearly everyone in the town.

“Shame against shame is one of the most important tools,” says Sushanta Das Gupta, 33, the editor of

At 50 years old, Das found himself asking, “Is this all there was to life?”

The Sun took great offense and printed the headline, "Kaiser Sticks Das Boot In."

Das Abendessen (The Dinner) depicts a banquet, where women are the food, at a rooftop restaurant in a Düsseldorf art museum.

But I see I couldn't do nothing without a candle, and I dasn't light one, of course.

I see the coffin lid was the way it was before, but I dasn't go to look in under it, with folks around.

Wenn das Glck anpocht, soll man ihm aufthun—When 40 fortune knocks, open the door.

Wer lange bedenkt, der whlt nicht immer 25 das Beste—He who is long in making up his mind does not always choose the best.

Das Zungenreden, geschichtlich und psychologisch untersucht.



