

Equal Rights Amendment

Equal Rights Amendment

  1. A twice-proposed but never ratified amendment to the Constitution that would prohibit denial or abridgement of rights on the basis of sex. First proposed in 1923, the amendment was passed by Congress in 1972 but failed ratification by the requisite number of states. It was a major rallying point of the women's movement .

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Example Sentences

But in the short run, all the things that women wanted, Equal Rights Amendment, equal pay, he was never opposed to any of those.

She strongly backed abortion rights and the Equal Rights Amendment.

I remain committed to the Equal Rights Amendment and will continue to work for its passage.

Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment must be aggressively pursued.

I remain committed as strongly as possible to the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

I will continue my own efforts to help ensure ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

As a result of our efforts in 1978, the Equal Rights Amendment's deadline for ratification was extended for three years.



