

García Márquez, Gabriel

  1. A Colombian-born twentieth-century writer. He is best known for his epic novel One Hundred Years of Solitude , set in the imaginary village of Macondo and chronicling seven generations of the Buendías family. García Márquez won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982.

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Example Sentences

"Escobar gave a start," Gabriel García Márquez wrote in his book, News of a Kidnapping.

Gabriel García Márquez, dead at 87, wrote a lot of great fiction, but nothing greater than One Hundred Years of Solitude.

To turn the title of a classic Gabriel García Márquez on its head, this will be “The Spring of the Patriarch.”

One Hundred Years of Solitude By Gabriel García Márquez How original to include this one, you might say.

Gabriel García Márquez: A Life by Gerald Martin One Hundred Years (almost) of Gabo.



