


  1. variant of myxo- before a vowel:



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Words That Use myx-

What does myx- mean?

Myx- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “mucus” or “slime.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in pathology.

Myx- comes from the Greek mýxa, meaning “mucus” or “slime.” The word mucus, from Latin, is related to the Greek mýxa.

Myx- is a variant of myxo-, which loses its -o– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use myxo- article.

Examples of myx-

One example of a medical term that features myx- is myxasthenia, meaning “the defective secretion of mucus.”

The first part of the word, myx-, means “mucus,” as we now know. The second part of the word, -asthenia, means “lack or loss of strength; weakness.” Myxasthenia, then, literally translates to “mucus weakness.”

What are some words that use the combining form myx-?

What are some other forms that myx- may be commonly confused with?

While myxo- sounds like the word mix, the two are unrelated. You surely wouldn’t want your mixologist stirring in any mucus or slime into your drinks!

Break it down!

The suffix oid is used to mean “resembling” or “like.” With this in mind, what does something described as myxoid resemble?



