


[ pah-sey ]


  1. (in bullfighting) a maneuver by a bullfighter with the capa or muleta to gain the attention of the bull and to guide the course of its attack.


/ ˈpɑːseɪ /


  1. bullfighting a movement of the cape or muleta by a matador to attract the bull's attention and guide its attack

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Word History and Origins

Origin of pase1

1935–40; < Spanish: literally, a pass, noun use of pase let him pass, 3rd person singular present subjunctive of pasar to pass

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Word History and Origins

Origin of pase1

from Spanish, literally: pass

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Example Sentences

It ain't duck an' grane pase, but, thank God, we hev enough an' a hearty welcome wid ivery boite.

Taking my bill, he very soon filled me up a pase for every package, directing each to a different point in the North.

Item a pase to lifte her uppon her palfray covered with silver plate gilt as the qwene is grace is.

Mansur appears to have been engaged in continual wars, and to have obtained successes against Pahang, Pase, and Makasar.

Very little is known of the military transactions of this reign, and no conquest but that of Pase is recorded.



