


  1. variant of patri- before a vowel.

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Example Sentences

Make in a table the like draught of yt circference by the self patr, vsing it as it wer a croked ruler.

Quod cum cnsul animadvertisset, proximum lctrem iussit100 inclmre3 Fabi patr ut ex equ dscenderet.

Patr was selected by Augustus as a place in which to settle some of those, who had fought with him at Actium.

Critical editions have been published by Gebhardt and Harnack, Patr.

Deinde cubiculum ingressus clam subdxit s tentri et frmam patr circumdedit cstdiam.


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Words That Use patr-

What does patr- mean?

The combining form patr- is used like a prefix meaning “father.” It is often used in a variety of scientific and technical terms, especially in anthropology.

Patr- comes from Latin pater, meaning “father.” The Greek cognate, also meaning “father,” is patḗr, which is the source of patriarchy. Find out more at our entry for the word.

The “mother” counterpart to patr- is matr-.

What are variants of patr-?

Patr- is a rare variant of patri-, which loses its -i– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels. Want to know more? Read our Words That Use patri- article.




pat. pend.Patras