

Peer Gynt

[ peer gint; Norwegian pair gynt ]


  1. a play (1867) by Henrik Ibsen.

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You have to immerse yourself in the character as if you were in Peer Gynt or Long Day's Journey.

They met in 1969 when they were co-starring in Peer Gynt Off-Broadway.

They sat down by some stones outside the Gaard enclosure, still talking about Peer Gynt.

She loved him, believed in him, and what she could not tell him face to face up at Peer Gynt's stue she told him in that letter.

In copying from Peer Gynt the portrait of one race, I had it in my mind to paint the portrait of a second.

He rendered full justice to the sombre grandeur of Brand and the dazzling fancy of Peer Gynt.

Peer Gynt sells idols to the Chinese and Bibles to the missionaries; this second transaction redeeming the first.



