
View synonyms for pivot


[ piv-uht ]


  1. a pin, point, or short shaft on the end of which something rests and turns, or upon and about which something rotates or oscillates.
  2. the end of a shaft or arbor, resting and turning in a bearing.
  3. any thing or person on which something or someone functions or depends vitally:

    He is the pivot of my life.

  4. the person in a line, as of troops on parade, whom the others use as a point about which to wheel or maneuver.
  5. a whirling about on one foot.
  6. a change in policy, opinion, product design, etc., that retains some continuity with its previous version, especially as part of a strategy to appeal to a different audience: the administration’s pivot toward Asia;

    a pivot in public policy;

    the administration’s pivot toward Asia;

    multiple product pivots to reach new consumers.

  7. Basketball. the act of keeping one foot in place while holding the ball and moving the other foot one step in any direction, so as not to be charged with traveling.
  8. Basketball.
    1. an offensive position in the front court, usually played by the center, in which the player stands facing away from the offensive basket and serves as the pivot of the offense by setting up plays through passing, making screens, and taking shots.
    2. Also called pivotman. the player who plays in the pivot position.
  9. Dentistry. (formerly) dowel ( def 4 ).

verb (used without object)

  1. to turn on or as on a pivot.
  2. Basketball. to keep one foot in place while holding the ball and moving the other foot one step in any direction.
  3. to modify a policy, opinion, product, etc., while retaining some continuity with its previous version, especially as part of a strategy to appeal to a different audience: The studio pivoted away from gritty realism to make the film’s sequel more family-friendly.

    The candidate will need to pivot on her unpopular position regarding prescription drug pricing.

    The studio pivoted away from gritty realism to make the film’s sequel more family-friendly.

verb (used with object)

  1. to mount on, attach by, or provide with a pivot or pivots.
  2. to modify (a policy, opinion, product, etc.) while retaining some continuity with its previous version:

    The start-up was able to pivot the app to a new market without losing too many man-hours of coding.


/ ˈpɪvət /


  1. a short shaft or pin supporting something that turns; fulcrum
  2. the end of a shaft or arbor that terminates in a bearing
  3. a person or thing upon which progress, success, etc, depends
  4. the person or position from which a military formation takes its reference, as when altering position


  1. tr to mount on or provide with a pivot or pivots
  2. intr to turn on or as if on a pivot

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Word History and Origins

Origin of pivot1

First recorded in 1350–1400; < French, Middle French, Old French “hinge, pivot”; further origin uncertain, perhaps related to Catalan piu, Occitan pivèu “spindle, pivot,” and Provençal pua “tooth on a heckle (flax comb)”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of pivot1

C17: from Old French; perhaps related to Old Provençal pua tooth of a comb


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