

quick draw


  1. a game or competition in which the winner is the quickest person to draw a handgun from a holster and sometimes to fire it and hit a target.

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Mark McKinnon on how our quick-draw culture makes for bad politics.

They probably would avoid an out-and-out quarrel, where the chances would be even for a quick draw and quick trigger work.

Why not a quick draw, a snap shot, and then the glory of having killed this manslayer in single battle for Joe Rix?

Yuh wouldn't dast talk up to a prairie dog if yuh wasn't all set to make a quick draw.

But, by the force of his personality and by his remarkable ability at the quick draw, Bat Masterson subdued the rebels.

“Knew his bronco as soon as I saw that blazed face show,” John Slaughter said in explanation of his quick draw.





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