


[ spahr-tn-burg ]


  1. a city in NW South Carolina.

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With minimal fanfare, BASF acquired a chemical plant on the outskirts of Spartanburg, an inland city once nicknamed “Textile Town.”

State regulators in South Carolina have installed two monitors in Spartanburg, but the closest one is roughly four miles from the BASF facility, near a small medical sterilization plant.

“I think for sure he will,” said Kit Jennings, treasurer of the Spartanburg Rotary Club, which Perry addressed Tuesday.

Liberals have been fiddling with medieval history, Santorum alleged at an appearance in Spartanburg, S.C., in February 2011.

The latest meeting, sponsored by CBS and National Journal, is in Spartanburg, S.C., at Wofford College.

On the way he was astonished to meet five hundred soldiers just arrived on a special from Spartanburg.

Then tell your commander that Mr. Stoneman has just arrived from Spartanburg and asks to see him at the hotel immediately.

Spartanburg correspondence of News and Courier, Feb. 4, 1881.

His course lay towards the head waters of the Fair Forest river, in the present region of Spartanburg.

After the Convention adjourned he returned to his home in Spartanburg and immediately began drilling a company for the war.




