

square meter


  1. a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one meter on each side. : m 2 , sq. m

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Example Sentences

The government of Colombia decided to loan the 28,000 square meter fixer-upper to a fraternity of hermetic Benedictine monks.

Waking up, he found himself handcuffed on the floor in a tiny, two-square-meter gray cell with no windows and a hefty iron door.

Her eyes were more used to the candlelight in her dim, four-square-meter kitchen, where she has spent most of the past nine years.

Whenever Calabrians have a square meter of bare ground, they plant a garden.

The owner wanted ninety centimes (approximately seventeen cents) a square meter.

The highest charge is 9.5 cents per square meter a day for meat stalls.

Placement of straw grids, each up to a square meter in area, will also decrease the surface wind velocity.

One nest was on an island one foot in diameter; other islands inhabited were as large as one square meter.

A square meter of lead of the thickness of 0.001 meter weighs about 11 kilos.



