


  1. variant of tauro-.

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The combination of those gaps and the young age of HL Tauri suggest planets may form more quickly than astronomers think.

HL Tauri is about 450 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus.

The HL Tauri system we see today may not resemble the final form it takes after a few more million years.

It is called Botaurus, because it imitates boatum tauri, the bellowing of a bull.

Taking the course of those seen by Mr. Bell, it passed to the eastward, and disappeared half way between β Tauri and Gemini.

Two strangers, who had landed among the Tauri, have been sentenced to die at the altar.

The second rested upon measures of distance and position angle outward from Alcyone (η Tauri).

Tunc luna in signo Tauri nona decima fuit, et fere ix horis radiis suis mundum illustravit, et navigantibus mare lucidum reddidit.



