


abbreviation for

  1. tributary.

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No sooner was he safely at the Trib, however, than his name was taken in vain by those he left behind.

Nor does it particularly care that his latest bout—with a Sun-Times editor who used to work at the Trib—was a loss.

Trib′ute-mon′ey, money paid as tribute; Trib′ūter, a miner paid by a proportion of the ore raised.

Tribble, trib′l, n. a horizontal frame for drying paper, having wires stretched across it.

The victim recovered his hat, with the angry look of a New Yorker who has suffered an outrage and intends to write to the Trib.

"Now I lay me and byelow in the trib," answered Tilly, stretching herself over his arm with a great yawn.

Wait, I gotta clippin' from the Trib in my clothes somewheres that gives all the dope.



