


  1. A family that ruled England from the late fifteenth century until the beginning of the seventeenth century. Queen Elizabeth I was a Tudor. After the death of Elizabeth, who had no heirs, the crown passed to the Stuarts of Scotland .

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Example Sentences

Then I landed The Tudors and managed to pick up some momentum again.

The Tudors who succeeded Richard to the throne reinforced their own legitimacy by setting out systematically to trash him.

Anyway, physical deformity was not the most serious charge the Tudors brought against Richard.

But Shakespeare was writing 100 years after the fact and was writing under the Tudors.

Brooding British thespian Henry Cavill (famous to Showtime fans of The Tudors) is on tap as the new Superman.

The importance of the measures of the Tudors upon the system of land-holding can hardly be exaggerated.

The legislation of the Tudors abolished the payment of rent by personal service, and made all rent payable in money or in kind.

Another of our excursions was to Ockwells—a curious and beautiful specimen of domestic architecture in the days before the Tudors.

The dwindling importance of the public revenue from land and rent charges is as noticeable under the Tudors as in earlier times.

The quasi-despotic monarchy of the Tudors and Stuarts was founded on the field of Barnet.



