


  1. German submarines during World War I and World War II . U-boat is a translation of the German U-boot , which is short for Unterseeboot , or “undersea boat.”

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Lusitaniawas sunk by a U-boat. Eventually, U-boat attacks on neutral ships drew the United States into the war.

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Example Sentences

After all, German U-boats had killed more U.S. sailors in the north Atlantic than died at Pearl Harbor.

Already we have the U-boats on the run, and if we keep up the pace we will have them beaten by next year.

American shipping, on the other hand, is rapidly expanding, and has already turned the scale against the U-boats.

That statement is confirmed by the data given by the U-boats arriving at Harwich as I write.

The U-boats found a fishing fleet easy prey; therefore a fishing fleet with a "catch" on it would get results.

Prisoners taken from U-boats were prevented from explaining to anybody how their boats were sunk.



