



  1. receiving or involving good remuneration

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Example Sentences

And Derbyshire “always assume[s] that any black person in a well-paid position is an Affirmative Action hire.”

The legal gymnastics necessary to create such impenetrable networks is a testament to the ingenuity of well-paid attorneys.

I do it four, five times a year and I get very well paid for it.

To be sure, there are professorships, and ballistics experts in the Navy, but these aren't actually all that well paid.

He was paid, presumably well-paid, by an independent conservative group.

It is almost unnecessary to add, that the porter had his share well paid, and that the fisherman got the full value for his prize.

Ethel would have thought her sacrifice well paid for, had she seen her father's look of mournful pleasure.

"That would be well paid," said the old woman, nodding her head in a peculiar manner.

I have been well paid for my little bit of you, but here is a life of honesty and a life of ill-luck and bitter disappointment.

They were, of course, well paid, and were kept in ignorance of what the supposed owner and his friends did ashore.



