

white fish


  1. (in the British fishing industry) any edible marine fish or invertebrate in which the main reserves of fat are in the liver, excluding herring, trout, sprat, mackerel, salmon, and shellfish

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Example Sentences

For lunch, served at 1pm, she likes white fish or grilled chicken with vegetables (“no potatoes if she is eating alone”).

Mounds of tuna salad, white fish salad, potato pancakes, knishes, corned beef—you name your kosher indulgence and it is here.

Away in the St Lawrence there would be a flash as an immense white fish jumped.

It is equally renowned for its white fish, which are taken in the rapids with a scoop-net.

A large white fish, boiled, and cut up in good taste, occupied a dish in the centre.

The greatest marvel is a breed of small white fish without eyes, several of which are always to be seen.

Nothing but small white fish could be tolerated for breakfast.



