

View synonyms for encompassing


[ en-kuhm-puh-sing ]


  1. forming a circle around something; encircling or surrounding:

    She serves the whole Anchorage real estate market, including the encompassing communities.

  2. comprehensively including, addressing, or dealing with all parts or aspects of something:

    Whether as a regular treatment or a special indulgence, your fully encompassing spa experience will leave you looking and feeling fantastic!

  3. fully enclosing or enveloping something:

    As she looked out reflectively over the lake, the encompassing quiet was sliced by the shrill sound of her cell phone.


  1. the act or state of surrounding, enclosing, or comprehensively including something:

    The term “diaspora” allows for the encompassing of a wider range of people and experiences than “immigrants.”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of encompassing1

First recorded in 1565–75; encompass ( def ) + -ing 2( def ) for the adjective senses; encompass ( def ) + -ing 1( def ) for the noun sense

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Example Sentences

Not literally, but that was the impression I got; the hug was all-encompassing compassion, forgiveness and acceptance.

Heroin users describe the high as a feeling of all-encompassing well being.

Instead, he prefers to avoid that all-encompassing, data-friendly approach and go from the gut.

And that really encapsulates the pure spirit of all Icelanders: an all-encompassing passion that permeates everything they do.

Don meets Joy on a California business trip in Season 2, and they embark on an extremely brief, sunny, all-encompassing affair.

Many a village was recognizable from the encompassing waste only by the sign-board stuck in a mound announcing its name.

The Church might have to resist unto blood in striving against the encompassing sin.

Down he sank, slowly and gradually, till he was up to his waist in the relentless and encompassing sands.

For already the great silence of the darkness beyond was flowing out to Isaacson, was encompassing him about.

Between the two walls is a ditch, as likewise is another encompassing the outermost wall.


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