

View synonyms for artifice


[ ahr-tuh-fis ]


  1. a clever trick or stratagem; a cunning, crafty device or expedient; wile.

    Synonyms: subterfuge

  2. trickery; guile; craftiness.

    Synonyms: duplicity, art, deceit, deception

  3. cunning; ingenuity; inventiveness:

    a drawing-room comedy crafted with artifice and elegance.

  4. a skillful or artful contrivance or expedient.


/ ˈɑːtɪfɪs /


  1. a clever expedient; ingenious stratagem
  2. crafty or subtle deception
  3. skill; cleverness
  4. a skilfully contrived device
  5. obsolete.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of artifice1

1525–35; < Anglo-French < Latin artificium craftsmanship, art, craftiness, equivalent to arti-, combining form of ars art 1 + -fic-, combining form of facere to do 1, make + -ium + -ium

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Word History and Origins

Origin of artifice1

C16: from Old French, from Latin artificium skill, from artifex one possessed of a specific skill, from ars skill + -fex, from facere to make

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Synonym Study

See trick. See cunning.

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Example Sentences

There is usually something transparent about the artifice required by famous artists trying to remain current.

Bratis, who trained in Athens, creates pieces of “femininity and pure elegance without artifice.”

Point of view is inconsistent and Berg employs enough obvious filmic artifice to keep reminding us we are watching dramatization.

“Faye always tried to advance his own idea of the institution by judicial artifice,” Lecourt told Le Monde.

The collection is by turn bizarre, hilarious, unpredictable, all of it without a single note of artifice.

He used every artifice to prevent a collision between the French and Neapolitan troops.

This way of owning Guilt in a wrong Place, is a common Artifice to hide it in a right one.

Artifice is always strictly subordinated, and the poet seems to sing spontaneously.

Then you would recommend rank rebellion, either by force or artifice, according as circumstances might require?

He listened, fascinated, incredulous, asking himself if human artifice could invent such a history.


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