


[ ag-uh-thuh ]


  1. a first name: from a Greek word meaning “good.”

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In the final episode, Fake Pietro is revealed to be just some bro-y slacker living in the town of Westview whom Agatha controlled using a magical necklace.

From Time

In the comics, Agatha is always wearing a brooch, and even as the decades change in Wanda’s TV Land, Agatha keeps her brooch.

From Time

Notably, when SWORD begins to identify real Westview townspeople trapped in the hex, they never identify Agatha, suggesting that she didn’t previously live there and entered of her own free will.

From Time

In the comics, Agatha is more of a chaotic evil presence than an outright villain.

From Time

When Wanda loses her twins to Maphisto, Agatha tries to help by erasing any memory Wanda had of her children, but Wanda predictably goes mad.

From Time

Unlike Brenda's husband, Agatha's husband, Sammy, backs her career goals.

Right out of college, Agatha began working at a family-owned business.

But the beautiful porcelain pendant that Agatha (Saoirse Ronan) wears.

Agatha Christie and her ilk, that is writers who make the puzzle paramount, are in the minority.

Saoirse Ronan, who plays Agatha the female lead, said she had never seen anything like it.

Agatha, with this injunction, bounced out of the room, slamming-to the door so as to make Miss Judith start from her seat.

Agatha, retire; and Agatha, be mindful that you go downstairs, and do not remain outside the door.

She desires that Benjamin saddles immediately, to carry a letter to Lymington; and you, Agatha, are to go upstairs to her.

Agatha went up to her mistress in a state of great perturbation, and the cook also hurried away to her bedroom.

Agatha consented, and as soon as she had taken up the lamp, for it was now quite dark, Jacob was once more introduced.




