


[ noh-uh ]


  1. Also Douay Bible, No·e. the patriarch who is recorded in the Bible as having built a large boat in which he, his family, and animals of every species survived the Biblical Flood.
  2. a male given name.



/ ˈnəʊə /


  1. Old Testament a Hebrew patriarch, who saved himself, his family, and specimens of each species of animal and bird from the Flood by building a ship ( Noah's Ark ) in which they all survived (Genesis 6–8)



/ ˈnəʊə /


  1. a shark

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Noah1

Ultimately from Hebrew Nōăḥ “rest”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Noah1

from Australian rhyming slang Noah's Ark

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Example Sentences

Noah remained in the hospital for just over three weeks, while Rosalie stayed for 95 days.

I’m told that neither of Noah’s parents competed on “It’s Academic.”

Conversely, Noah wants to continue his pod for as long as possible.

Chicago got Rose back for the start of the 2013-14 campaign, but he lasted just 11 games13 before going down again, which forced Thibs and the Bulls to shift even more playmaking burden onto Noah’s shoulders.

According to the Book of Genesis, Noah’s ark landed on Mount Ararat after the Great Flood.

But just as the Solloway family was about to leave Noah saw Scotty, punched him, and strangled him.

Most critically, the split perspectives of Noah and Alison need to marry more elegantly.

He died in a car crash on the way to the hospital where she gave birth to her son, Samuel (Noah Wiseman).

Product placement aside, the idea that animals go to heaven raises a whole host of interesting questions for Thea and Noah.

Then Allison went back to Pacey, and Noah went back to Nurse Abby from E.R.

Then counting Noah and his wife, and his three sons and their wives, there were four pairs of human beings altogether.

He went into the nursery, unearthed the now-disused Noah's Ark, and sucked the paint off as many animals as remained.

These were brought into view, and their continuance promised, in the covenant made with Noah.

God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

Then the Jew would have displayed his ten generations, down to the time of Noah, and the secret of the universal deluge.





NoachianNoah and the Flood