


[ an-uh-stey-zhuh, ah-nuh-stah-shuh; Russian uh-nuh-stah-syi-yuh ]


  1. Ni·ko·la·iev·na Ro·ma·nov [nyi-kuh-, lah, -yiv-n, uh, , r, uh-, mah, -n, uh, f], Grand Duchess, 1901–?, daughter of Nicholas II: believed executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 with other members of the Romanov family.
  2. a first name.


/ ˌænəˈstɑːzɪə; -ˈsteɪ- /


  1. Anastasia, Grand Duchess1901?1918FRussianPOLITICS: royal family member Grand Duchess. 1901–?18, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, believed to have been executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918, although several women subsequently claimed to be her

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Example Sentences

“Alfa only has about two hundred members,” says Anastasia Rozlertska, a 27-year-old activist.

Is it true that you also turned down the chance to audition for the Anastasia Steele role in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie?

But Anastasia showed me that brows are frames for the face, and make such a world of difference in how a woman looks.

"Anastasia took my skills to another level," remembers Roberts.

The Guardian claimed it was “the pivotal moment when the impressionable Anastasia Steele loses her virginity to Grey.”

All the gestures and attitudes of Anastasia are those of taste and sentiment, Leonora's are simply those of nature.

St. Anastasia had power over Satan, and was for two months sustained by bread from heaven.

His second wife was the accomplished singer Anastasia Robinson, who survived him.

Anastasia Romanova, daughter of Roman, hence the name by which the family was afterwards distinguished—Romanov.

His days were very quiet, and had been altogether without excitement until he had met with Anastasia Bergen.




