


[ an-juh-lee-nuh, -lahy- ]


  1. a first name, form of Angela.

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Example Sentences

Angelina Jolie was able to seemingly glide into the Vatican on Thursday to present her new film ‘Unbroken.’

Cast Angelina Jolie in that role with Brad Pitt as the cave hubbie, and maybe we have a blockbuster in the making.

The resulting pictures of Angelina, dipping her head as she receives the Sovereign's benediction, have gone around the world.

Salt was a great action film, but Angelina is one of the only women that can get cast in this.

Are you still friends with your Foxfire co-star, Angelina Jolie?

It never once occurred to me that my Angelina might possibly find it difficult to construe Horace.

The veteran antislavery and woman's rights worker, Angelina Grimké Weld, came out of her retirement for the meeting.

How singularly you and your brother resemble each other, Miss Angelina!

Thus Angelina, to her own great satisfaction, was left in possession of the stage.

No one, however, attached as much importance as Angelina did to the loss of the ices.





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