



[ kuh-ren ]


, plural Ka·rens, (especially collectively) Ka·ren.
  1. a group of people of eastern and southern Myanmar (Burma).
  2. one of these people.
  3. the language of the Karen, a Tibeto-Burman language of the Sino-Tibetan family.


  1. of or relating to the Karen people or their language.



[ kar-uhn, kahr- ]


  1. Also Karin. a first name, form of Katherine.
  2. Informal: Disparaging.
    1. a white, usually middle-class woman who is rude, demanding, and aggressive toward other people, particularly customer service workers.
    2. a person acting in an aggressive, entitled, rude way:

      He went full Karen on the poor store manager and threatened to get her fired.


/ kəˈrɛn /


  1. -rens-ren a member of a Thai people of Myanmar
  2. the language of this people, probably related to Thai and belonging to the Sino-Tibetan family

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Example Sentences

Karen, a 72-year-old white woman, arrived at the park after the first group had left and without knowing that others would follow.

With exquisite timing, religious historian Karen Armstrong steps forth with Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence.

The shooting Ice Cube was referring to was the accidental killing of Karen Toshima by a stray bullet.

Karen Berger, another regular player at Haviland Hollow Farm said the appeal of polo for her is multifaceted.

Check out this fine sampling from the likes of Karen Shirely, Margalit Fox, and the most-talented, Heather Lende.

Lancaster rolled up his sleeves with the rest and let Karen take over the leadership—she was the best experimenter.

Karen wept openly and kissed him good-bye with a fervor that haunted his dreams afterward.

But a few more incisive cameos of fantasy such as this, and Mr. Anderson may come to be identified as Karen's husband.

"I remember that after we turned them down, somebody tried to kidnap Karen," MacLeod said grimly.

Karen Hilquist and the aristocratic black-sheep who called himself Bertie Wooster were waiting when he opened the door.





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