


[ buh-lin-duh ]


  1. a first name: from an Old Spanish word meaning “beautiful.”

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Example Sentences

It was just such a great opportunity to revisit my dramatic roots and to put on a character like Belinda and play her with empathy, sense of humor, loneliness and hopefulness.

From Time

It was a deliberate choice to craft her in that way in the same way I did with Belinda.

From Time

And Derek grew up playing hardcore but he was also like listening to Belinda Carlisle obsessively.

Neither would Belinda Bentley, the L.A.-based psychic told The Daily Beast; not with that level of assuredness, anyway.

Some of his big campaign donors, like L.E. Simmons and Frank Vandersloot (through his wife Belinda), also bankrolled Prop 8.

Belinda wakes up with an extraordinarily natural start, and is just about to say, "Oh, Mr. Devenish–you mustn't!"

Delia holds the L. end of it and Belinda struggles out, leaving the magazine and her handkerchief in the hammock.

Belinda (rising with dignity and drawing herself up to her full height, moving L.).

Delia (settling herself comfortably in deck-chair L. of Belinda and lying in her arms).

Belinda (looking straight in front of her, and taking no notice of Betty, in a happy, dreamy voice).




