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[ pee-tee-es-dee ]

abbreviation for

  1. post-traumatic stress disorder: a mental disorder occurring after an extremely distressing, stressful, or frightening event and characterized by symptoms such as reliving the event, avoidance of anything that is a reminder of the event, withdrawal from social interactions or previous activities, and an increase in feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness, shame, or guilt.


abbreviation for

  1. post-traumatic stress disorder

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Example Sentences

That officer fretting about his “stance,” we learn, is plagued by PTSD that cripples him both on the job and at home.

Although Korra looks at PTSD and assault with supernatural grandiosity, fans were quick to pick up on it in some forums.

She had only heard of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, in passing.

In his new book Acid Test, author Tom Shroder tells the story of Nick, a veteran haunted by PTSD.

In FDA sanctioned studies using MDMA-assisted therapy to treat veterans with PTSD, the success rate has been astounding.




