


[ oh-ver-stim-yuh-ley-shuhn ]


  1. an act or instance of excessively stimulating something, particularly when the result is undesirable:

    Overstimulation of the economy gave us record job openings, an indication of the demand that can’t be met by the available workforce.

  2. Physiology, Medicine/Medical. sensory overload ( def ):

    A big, extravagant party may seem like a kid-pleaser, but for many children it’s overstimulation, which can evoke anxiety, withdrawal, anger, etc.

  3. Biology, Physiology. especially of a gland or nerve, the act of being or becoming overactive and producing an abnormal increase in whatever substance or effect would otherwise be a normal function:

    Too much thyroid hormone in the body occurs from overstimulation of the thyroid gland, but that can be regulated with medication.

    The blood vessels in the lower extremities have dilated, suggesting overstimulation of the vagus nerve.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of overstimulation1

First recorded in 1795–1805; over- ( def ) + stimulation ( def )

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Example Sentences

At events they do attend, parents must remain ever vigilant for possible overstimulation and overreaction.

Without having a tinge of cruelty in his singular composition, he was undoubtedly callous from long overstimulation.

Dr. Anstie therefore recommends that the word "overstimulation" be disused, as unphilosophical and self-contradictory.

Such overstimulation must necessarily in some cases have an injurious influence on the boy's immature nervous system.

His mother has taken the only sensible course; she has encouraged him without subjecting him to overstimulation.




