


[ proh-vuhn-sahl, prov-uhn-; French praw-vahn-sal ]


  1. of or relating to Provence, its people, or their language.


  1. a native or inhabitant of Provence.
  2. Also called Occitan. a Romance language once widely spoken in southern France, still in use in some rural areas. : Pr, Pr., Prov. Compare langue d'oc.
  3. the dialect of Provençal used in Provence.


/ prɔvɑ̃sal; ˌprɒvɒnˈsɑːl /


  1. relating to, denoting, or characteristic of Provence, its inhabitants, their dialect of French, or their Romance language


  1. a language of Provence, closely related to Catalan, French, and Italian, belonging to the Romance group of the Indo-European family. It was important in the Middle Ages as a literary language, and attempts have been made since the 19th century to revive its literary status See also langue d'oc
  2. a native or inhabitant of Provence

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Provençal1

First recorded in 1580–90; from Middle French, from Latin prōvinciālis provincial; Provence, -al 1

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Example Sentences

While the humans are entertaining enough in this Provencal matinee, the bird is the star.

Castagnould was a Provencal and an old servant of the Mignon family.

While thus the interview is going on between Dalibard and the conspirator, we must bestow a glance upon the Provencal's home.

Hubert bent the knee to the new lord, with all that grace which he inherited from his Provencal blood.

In a no less expressive fashion, the Provencal peasant calls it lou portofais, lou porto-caneu.

He eats the same food as his two servants, a Provencal lad and the old woman who used to wait on his wife.




