

View synonyms for relegation


[ rel-i-gey-shuhn ]


  1. assignment or banishment to an inferior position, place, rank, or condition:

    Many factors are responsible for the relegation of disabled people to the margins of society.

    The pending legislation shows the relegation of environmental concerns toward the bottom of the priority list in energy politics.

  2. Soccer. demotion to a lower playing league or division based on a team’s record:

    The European leagues are a meritocratic hierarchy connected by promotion and relegation.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of relegation1

First recorded in 1400–50; from Latin relēgātiōn-, stem of relēgātiō “a sending away, banishment”; relegate ( def ), -ion ( def )

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Example Sentences

Our bookstores would surely be more drab and austere in their absence or their relegation to the annals of world literature.

Hence through the ages, the unconscious relegation of certain presents as acceptable only from certain people.

But with what quick response of fine pity such a relegation of the man himself made me privately sigh “Ah poor Saltram!”

His having taken the same great step in the same free way had not in the least involved the relegation of his daughter.

Then he tells how, as in relegation he was studying verse, suddenly a thunderclap came into his solitude.

In fact the relegation of peers to the ordinary livery colours for their mantlings is, in England, quite a modern practice.




