

demand curve

  1. A mathematical curve, drawn on a graph, that represents what the demand for a commodity would be if its price ranged anywhere from zero to infinity. The point at which it intersects the supply curve for the same commodity supposedly establishes the price of the commodity in a free market . ( See supply and demand .)

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Example Sentences

Take a look at this: This is a negative sloping demand curve.

The new position of equilibrium will be given by the point P', where ss' cuts DD', the demand curve.

There is a demand-schedule, which, plotted, would give a demand-curve.

It is enough that the demand-curve be recognized as expressing economic significance, and diminishing economic significance.

The two independent causes, then, are summed up in the supply-curve and the demand-curve.

The demand curve expresses graphically what a man would be willing to pay at each particular stage in the increase of goods.



