


[ feth-er-ing ]


  1. a covering of feathers; plumage.
  2. the arrangement of feathers on an arrow.
  3. Music. a very light and delicate use of the violin bow.


/ ˈfɛðərɪŋ /


  1. the plumage of a bird; feathers
  2. another word for feathers
  3. printing
    1. an imperfection in print caused by the spreading of ink
    2. the use of additional space between lines in typesetting in order to fill the page

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Other Words From

  • under·feather·ing noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of feathering1

First recorded in 1520–30; feather + -ing 1

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Example Sentences

Republicans are spending the vast majority of their time tarring and feathering each other.

Never mind that China obsessively focuses on feathering its own economic nest, often at the expense of poor nations.

Yet Couric's tar-and-feathering may have been psychically useful to her.

In the same vessel he adopted a feathering paddle-wheel and the guard-beam now universally seen in our river steamboats.

For smaller vessels, the oscillating engine with feathering paddle-wheels is still largely employed in Europe.

The usual arrangement is such that the feathering-wheel has the same action upon the water as a radial wheel of double diameter.

And each missile bore its individual message to his memory—a tiny tuft of scarlet inserted in the feathering.

At the last order the men levelled their oars, feathering the blades, and remained like eight statues in their seats.



