
View synonyms for nest


[ nest ]


  1. a pocketlike, usually more or less circular structure of twigs, grass, mud, etc., formed by a bird, often high in a tree, as a place in which to lay and incubate its eggs and rear its young; any protected place used by a bird for these purposes.
  2. a place used by insects, fishes, turtles, rabbits, etc., for depositing their eggs or young.
  3. a number of birds, insects, animals, etc., inhabiting one such place.
  4. a snug retreat or refuge; resting place; home.
  5. an assemblage of things lying or set close together, as a series of boxes or trays, that fit within each other:

    a nest of tables.

  6. a place where something bad is fostered or flourishes: a robber's nest.

    a nest of vice;

    a robber's nest.

  7. the occupants or frequenters of such a place.

verb (used with object)

  1. to settle or place (something) in or as if in a nest:

    to nest dishes in straw.

  2. to fit or place one within another:

    to nest boxes for more compact storage.

verb (used without object)

  1. to build or have a nest:

    The swallows nested under the eaves.

  2. to settle in or as if in a nest.
  3. to fit together or within another or one another:

    bowls that nest easily for storage.

  4. to search for or collect nests:

    to go nesting.

  5. Computers. to place a routine inside another routine that is at a higher hierarchical level.


/ nɛst /


  1. a place or structure in which birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, mice, etc, lay eggs or give birth to young
  2. a number of animals of the same species and their young occupying a common habitat

    an ants' nest

  3. a place fostering something undesirable

    a nest of thievery

  4. the people in such a place

    a nest of thieves

  5. a cosy or secluded place
  6. a set of things, usually of graduated sizes, designed to fit together

    a nest of tables

  7. military a weapon emplacement

    a machine-gun nest


  1. intr to make or inhabit a nest
  2. intr to hunt for birds' nests
  3. tr to place in a nest

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Derived Forms

  • ˈnestˌlike, adjective
  • ˈnester, noun

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Other Words From

  • nesta·ble adjective
  • nester noun
  • nestlike adjective
  • nesty adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of nest1

First recorded before 900; Middle English, Old English (cognate with Dutch, German nest; akin to Latin nīdus “nest,” Old Irish net, Welsh nyth, Sanskrit nīḍa “lair”), ultimately from unattested Indo-European nizdo- “bird's nest,” equivalent to unattested ni “down” ( nether ) + unattested zd-, variant of unattested sd-, ablaut variant of unattested sed-, verb base meaning “sit” ( sit 1 ) + unattested -o- thematic vowel

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Word History and Origins

Origin of nest1

Old English; related to Latin nīdus (nest) and to beneath , sit

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Idioms and Phrases

see empty nest ; feather one's nest ; foul one's nest ; stir up a hornet's nest .


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


